stir it in your mead and swallow it in one gulp . 蜂蜜酒の中でかきまわし 呑み込むんだ
the size of the fish was huge enough to drink a nearby boat in one gulp . その大きさは、近づく船をひと飲みにするほど。
it is preferred to slurp fast in one gulp , but it is important to learn a good speed for eating it from experience because the rice may get stuck in your throat . 勢いよく、一気にすすりこむ食べ方が好まれるが、のどを詰まらせ易いため、個々人がちょうど良い速度を体得することが重要である。
it is also said that nozuchi eats a deer in one gulp , and that a person , who was hit by nozuchi which had been rolling off , would die , and that a person , who was even just found by nozuchi , would contract some disease or even suffer from a bad fever and die . また、シカを一飲みにする、転がってくる野槌に当たると死ぬ、野槌に見つけられただけでも病気を患ったり、高熱を発して死ぬともいう。